
For more detail, see the manual in the black binder in Fig. 8, the searchable PDF in our lab’s Google Drive Shared Drive, or by searching for it online. In this tutorial, we will be testing the thermal conductivity of a Pyrex reference sample. It is always a good idea to start your day’s testing with the Pyrex reference sample, so you can compare the measured result with the expected thermal conductivity of 1.143 W/m-K. See the reference material standard values in Appendix D on page 118 of the manual.

Instrument warm-up#

First, turn on the instrument by pressing the power button indicated in Fig. 1, and the laptop associated with this instrument in Fig. 2. Note that the language bar in Fig. 3 may need to be set to “English (United States)” if it is not set already. Open the software by clicking on the icon indicated in Fig. 4, and you will be prompted with the login dialog in Fig. 5. Click “OK” to proceed. The instrument should be left to warm up for about thirty minutes before testing.

Please remember to turn off the instrument and the computer when done testing.

C-Therm TCi instrument with red box indicating the power button

Fig. 1 C-Therm TCi instrument#

Laptop associated with the C-Therm TCi instrument, open and showing the desktop

Fig. 2 Laptop for the C-Therm TCi instrument#

Screenshot of the desktop with red box indicating the language selection dialog

Fig. 3 Language selection dialog#

Screenshot of the desktop with red box indicating the software in the toolbar

Fig. 4 C-Therm software#

Screenshot of the login screen for the software with red box indicating the "OK" button

Fig. 5 Login screen#

Protect the sensor#


You should always cover the fragile sensor with the protective rubber cap when not in use, as shown in Fig. 10.

Also, if you use the ring stand to move the mass between tests, be sure to swing the mass out to the side, as shown in Fig. 7. Do not suspend the mass above the fragile sensor, as shown in Fig. 6.

Semi-transparent red cross over the image, indicating a bad practice. Mass positioned above the fragile sensor

Fig. 6 Don’t position the mass above the fragile sensor#

Better practice of moving the mass to the side of the sensor if needed

Fig. 7 Instead, shift the mass to the side when changing samples#

Preparing your sample#

While waiting for the instrument to warm up, prepare your sample for testing. We will test the Pyrex reference material, which has an expected thermal conductivity of 1.143 W/m-K. Locate the manual, reference samples, and quick-reference materials in Fig. 8, to the right of the instrument room entrance. The black binder is the manual, and the quick-reference card in Fig. 9 should be inside the binder. The wooden box contains reference samples, and the glove is for handling the samples.

C-Therm manual next to wooden box containing reference samples and glove

Fig. 8 C-Therm manual and reference samples#

TCi Quick Card showing minimum thickness, sample preparation, and contact agent to use for each material type, as well as a general testing procedure.

Fig. 9 TCi Quick Card#

The process for testing a sample is as follows, with the Pyrex reference sample given as an example:

  • Remove the cap from the sensor, shown in Fig. 10.

  • Apply about four drops of deionized water as the contact agent for polymers, as in Fig. 11.

  • Place your sample on the sensor as in Fig. 12.

  • Place a 500 g mass on top of the sample as in Fig. 13. The mass is located in the wooden box in Fig. 8.

  • Set up a ring stand and clamp to prevent the mass from falling off the sensor, as shown in Fig. 14. Position the clamp close to, but not touching the mass as in Fig. 15.

Now you are ready to follow the process for Starting a test. If you are done testing, or changing contact agents, use a lab wipe to dry the sensor with a gloved hand as in Fig. 16, and replace the cap on the sensor as in Fig. 10.

C-Therm TCi sensor with a protective rubber cap on it

Fig. 10 Capped C-Therm TCi sensor#

C-Therm TCi sensor with four drops of water on it

Fig. 11 Sufficient amount of water on the sensor#

Pyrex reference sample placed on C-Therm TCi sensor

Fig. 12 Pyrex reference sample on sensor#

C-Therm TCi sensor with Pyrex reference sample on top of it, and a 500 gram mass on top of that

Fig. 13 Consistent 500 g mass on the sample#

Ring stand with clamp close to, but not touching, the 500 gram mass, preventing the mass from falling off sideways

Fig. 14 Ring stand as guard#

Close up of the ring stand with clamp close to but not touching the 500 gram mass

Fig. 15 Clamp is close to, but not touching, the mass#

Gloved hand wiping contact agent off of the sensor

Fig. 16 Wiping the sensor after testing#

Starting a test#

Once you have finished Instrument warm-up and Preparing your sample, you are ready to begin testing. By making good selections during test setup, such as setting “Material Group”, “Material”, and “Material Lot” appropriately, it will be easier to process the data after Exporting results. After the login process, the main screen will appear. Start a new test by clicking the “New Test” button as shown in Fig. 17.


If you are testing a novel sample, make sure to define a unique “Material Lot” to differentiate between it and other tests of the same material. See Categorizing your samples for details.

Click “Next” after each of the following steps:

  • Select your project as in Fig. 18, optionally creating one as in Fig. 41.

  • Select an appropriate test method for the material you intend to test as in Fig. 19. You will usually select “Polymers HR”, for example with Pyrex. See Creating a test method for more detail.

  • Select the Material Group and Material you are testing, as shown in Fig. 20. For Pyrex, select “Reference Materials”, then “Pyrex”. You may optionally create one as in Fig. 38 and Fig. 39.

On the final screen before the test begins, make the following selections in order as in Fig. 21:


Make sure you follow these steps in order, otherwise you may encounter a bug in the software. See Something went wrong with setting a "Material Lot" at test time for more detail.

  • Select the contact agent you are using, which will usually be water, but could be thermal grease.

  • Select or type a new “Material Lot”. This “lot” might represent a unique sample identifier, like a date or a number indicating some percent-by-weight of an additive. For instance a lot like “2024-04-30” or “3-cnt” could differentiate your samples from the general “Nafion 117” material.

  • Click “Start Test”.

  • If you are prompted to create a new lot, click “Yes” as in Fig. 22.


You don’t need to select a “Material Lot” for the Pyrex reference sample.

Proceed to Checking on a test run to monitor the test for the first few measurements, after which you can leave it unattended.

Screenshot of software with red box indicating the "New Test" button

Fig. 17 “New Test” button on the main screen#

Screenshot of "Select Project" dialog with red box indicating the project to be selected

Fig. 18 Select project#

Screenshot of "Select Test Method" dialog with red box indicating the test method to be selected

Fig. 19 Select test method#

Screenshot of "Select Material" dialog with red box indicating the material to be selected

Fig. 20 Select material#

Screenshot of "Select Instrument" dialog with sequence of red boxes indicating the process of selecting a contact agent, material lot, and starting the test

Fig. 21 Select instrument and start test#

Screenshot of "New Test" dialog that warns if a chosen lot doesn't exist yet, with red box indicating "Yes" to create it

Fig. 22 Create new lot if prompted#

Checking on a test run#


Don’t touch the sample from this point onward.

After clicking “Start Test”, the test will begin. You will want to monitor the first few measurements before leaving the instrument to finish unattended. The initial waiting period is defined as in “Delay before first measurement” in Fig. 43 will begin, causing “Wait: Initial” to appear as in Fig. 23.

Screenshot of the main screen as the test begins

Fig. 23 Initial waiting period as test begins#

The active test indicator will read “reading sample” as in Fig. 24 when a measurement is being taken. Wait for a few measurements to appear before leaving the machine to finish the test run.

Screenshot of the main screen during the test with red box indicating a reading is taking place

Fig. 24 Test in progress with reading being taken#

If the measurements are in-range for the selected test method, the background will be white as in Fig. 25. If the measurements are out-of-range, the background will be orange as in Fig. 26. This means that the test method chosen, for instance “Polymers HR”, is not appropriate for the material being tested. Our instrument only has calibrations for polymers and foams, and each test method has an acceptable range to which it applies.

You may encounter other issues, such as drifting or inconsistent thermal conductivity measurements. See Troubleshooting for details. If you click “Stop Test” and cancel a test before it finishes, you will be prompted with the dialog in Fig. 27. Choose whether to mark the test as valid and continue.

Screenshot of test in progress with red box indicating good measurements

Fig. 25 Good measurements have a white background#

Screenshot of a finished test with red box indicating out-of-range measurements

Fig. 26 Example of out-of-range measurements with orange background for a given test method#

Screenshot of the interrupted test dialog

Fig. 27 Interrupted test dialog#

A completed and successful test looks like Fig. 28, with a white background across all measurements, indicating that they are in range. You still may notice variabliity in repeat tests, or have trouble reproducing the results on different days. See Troubleshooting for details or review the manual.

Screenshot of a completed test with red box indicating good measurements

Fig. 28 Example of in-range measurements with white background for a given test method#

If you ran a test with Pyrex, check that the thermal conductivity values are similar to its expected thermal conductivity of 1.143 W/m-K. You may also test the LAF 6720 foam reference sample, choosing the “Foams HR” test method instead. See the reference material standard values in Appendix D on page 118 of the manual.

When you are ready to get your data off of the machine for processing, see Exporting results.

Exporting results#

Follow the process below from Fig. 29 to Fig. 33 to export an XML file of all tests. It is easier to export and process all tests than to just process the latest ones, as the data process includes an Excel file which takes averages of measurements grouped by Project, Material Group, Material, and Lot Number.

Screenshot of the menu bar with red box indicating the "Test Results" export button

Fig. 29 Test results export#

Screenshot of the "Export User Tests" dialog with sequence of red boxes indicating the search and retrieval of all tests

Fig. 30 Searching for and retrieving all tests for export#

Screenshot of a now-populated "Export User Tests" dialog with red box indicating the "Select All" button

Fig. 31 Selecting all retrieved tests for export#

Screenshot of the "Save As" dialog with redboxes indicating how to export tests as XML to the Desktop

Fig. 32 Exporting XML test data to the Desktop#

Screenshot of the final "Export User Tests" dialog with red box indicating the "Export" button

Fig. 33 Completing the export process#

Search for tests#

You can search for test results using the “Open Test” dialog. Note that the * character functions as a wildcard when searching as in Fig. 34.

Categorizing your samples#

Test category hierarchy is shown from Fig. 35 through Fig. 41.

Screenshot of software with red box indicating the "Manage" button

Fig. 35 First screen after logging in#

Screenshot of the "Manage" dialog with red box indicating "Material Group", "Material", "Material Lot", "Project", and "Test Method" buttons

Fig. 36 “Manage” dialog#

Screenshot of the "Manage Material Groups" dialog with red box indicating the "Add" button

Fig. 37 Adding a material group#

Screenshot of the "Add Material Group" dialog with red box indicating the "Save" button

Fig. 38 Saving a material group#

Screenshot of the "Edit Material" dialog with red box indicating the "Save" button

Fig. 39 Adding or editing a material#

Screenshot of the "Edit Material Lot" dialog with red box indicating the "Save" button

Fig. 40 Adding or editing a material lot#

Screenshot of the "ADd Project" dialog with red box indicating the "Save" button

Fig. 41 Adding or editing a project#

Creating a test method#

Test methods can be created or edited as in Fig. 42 and Fig. 43.

Screenshot of the "Manage Test Methods" dialog with red box indicating the material method to be edited

Fig. 42 Example of editing the “Polymers HR (16 measurements)” test method#

Screenshot of the "Edit Test Method" dialog with red boxes indicating the "Save" button, the "Get Ambient Temperature for each Measurement" checkbox, and the most important fields like "Delay", "Min Measurement Period", and "Number of Measurements"

Fig. 43 Adding or editing a test method#

Alternative category navigation#

Sample categories connect to one another, allowing you to browse the Materials belonging to a Material Group, the Lots for each Material, and so-on. See this kind of navigation in Fig. 44 and Fig. 45.

Screenshot of various dialogs with a sequence of red boxes indicating relationships between "ExampleGroup", "ExampleMaterial1", and "ExampleMaterial2"

Fig. 44 Relationships between “ExampleGroup”, “ExampleMaterial1”, and “ExampleMaterial2”#

Screenshot of various dialogs with a sequence of red boxes indicating relationship between "ExampleMaterial1" and "Lot 1"

Fig. 45 Relationship between “ExampleMaterial1” and “Lot 1”#


Here are a few issues encountered by our group, but the troubleshooting guide in section 8.4.2 on page 89 of the manual is more thorough. Find the manual in the black binder in Fig. 8 or in the searchable PDF in our lab’s Google Drive Shared Drive.

Something went wrong with setting a “Material Lot” at test time#

The software has a bug where if you don’t select “Contact Agent” before entering a new “Material Lot”, the test will try to start without properly creating the new lot. Make sure you select “Contact Agent” first, then create the new lot.

Thermal conductivity steadily decreases during a test#

Your material may be hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs water, and is absorbing the deionized water used as a contact agent, resulting in varying test conditions and a gradually decreasing thermal conductivity reading over time. Or you may be taking readings over an especially long interval, and the water is evaporating. You may use OMEGATHERM 201 thermal paste as an alterative contact agent if you are testing a hygroscopic material or taking measurements over a long time interval

Thermal conductivity readings inconsistent during tests or between tests#

Your sample may be too thin. See section 4.6 on page 33 of the manual, in the black binder in Fig. 8 or in the searchable PDF in our lab’s Google Drive Shared Drive.

LAF 6720 foam reference sample placed on top of the Pyrex sample

Fig. 46 Using the LAF 6720 foam reference sample for a blotter test#

Overlaying individual measurements#

It is sometimes helpful to overlay the voltage-over-time curves of individual measurements when troubleshooting measurement inconsistencies. You can do this by right-clicking on a selection of measurements and selecting “Overlay Voltage Chart” as in Fig. 47. This will show the voltage data chart as in Fig. 48. For a good test, the curves should all appear similar, and with similar inflection. The latter fifth of the chart is linearized and used to determine thermal properties, so if inflection varies there, the resulting thermal conductivity will be different.

Screenshot of a test result with red box indicating the "Overlay Voltage Chart" context menu item

Fig. 47 Overlaying a voltage chart of multiple measurements#

Screenshot of "Voltage Data Chart"

Fig. 48 Voltage data chart#

Test results aren’t updating#

The test results filter pane must be “reset” when new tests are taken as in Fig. 49. This re-populates the list of tests in the main window for browsing. This is only needed if you wish to browse the tests there, otherwise you can find and filter tests from the “Open Test” dialog.

Screenshot of "Test Results Filter" pane with red box indicating the "Reset" button

Fig. 49 Resetting the test results filter#